Tuesday, July 23, 2013

I’m Home.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”
J. K. Rowling

finally back here after a long, long while.
really thankful to have made it to Morocco, conquered Gunung Kerinci, making it back safe and sound, and everything in between.
having been in and out of the country since the start of June really makes me appreciate Home more. as much as i love travelling and visiting new places, i guess i’ll never love anywhere else as much as Singapore! <3



MOROCCO LOVIN’ – DAY 1: Casablanca

spent the day roaming the streets of Casablanca with Narash, while waiting for Eileen (who took a different flight) to arrive.

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horror of my life. i’m super super afraid of birds and this had to happen –.-
FYI: covered my head because i was afraid that birds’ droppings would land on my head.


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the locals volunteered to take a photo of us with the birds, but when the birds started flying i lost control of my muscles. i did not intend to take any advantage of Narash!

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the day ended with meeting the other travellers and our guide. really thankful that i got to travel with a bunch of really cool people, who definitely made the trip more fun and eventful! will reveal their faces soon in the next few entries :)
will be posting more photos periodically. too many photos to process goshhhh. and since every photo looks too pretty to not share, i foresee a reallyyyy harrrdddd timeeeee ahead. :X

till the next,

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